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teknik swirl flow devices pada heat exchanger

Teknik swirl flow pada heat exchanger adalah pengaturan geometris atau sisipan tabung untuk aliran paksa yang membuat putaran dan/atau aliran sekunder di dalam tabung. Teknik swirl yang biasa digunakan pada industri terdiri dari berbagai macam yaitu: Twisted Tape Inserts Dalam desain heat exchanger aliran laminar, Twisted tape dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk meningkatkan perpindahan kalor. […]

teknik tube inserts and displaced flow devices pada heat exchanger

Memaksimalkan laju perpindahan kalor adalah salah satu usaha terpenting mengoptimalkan kinerja heat exchanger. Salah satu teknik yang biasa dilakukan adalah menambahkan perangkat tertentu untuk meningkatkan turbulensi aliran dan pembentukan lapisan batas aliran. Teknik yang sering dipakai adalah penyisipan tabung (tube inserts). Teknik ini mengacu pada perangkat yang dimasukkan ke dalam tabung halus. Tube inserts relatif […]

Teknik rough surfaces pada heat exchanger

Turbulensi aliran fluida pada proses perpindahan kalor sangat penting untuk menunjang laju perpindahan kalor. Berbagai macam cara dilakukan untuk menambah turbulensi aliran pada heat exchanger. Teknik roguh surfaces adalah teknik yang sering dijumpai pada heat exchanger di industri. Teknik rough surfaces (permukaan kasar) mengacu pada tabung dan saluran yang memiliki elemen kekasaran dalam bentuk tonjolan […]

treated surface heat exchanger

Masalah peralatan heat exchanger seperti fouling telah ada selama bertahun-tahun. Fouling dapat menghambat kinerja peralatan, mengurangi rentang hidup komponen dan menyebabkan kegagalan. Fouling adalah masalah kompleks, memakan biaya besar, dan mempengaruhi kinerja sistem industri. Perlu adanya inovasi untuk menambah kinerja heat exchanger. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja heat exchanger terdapat beberapa teknik peningkatan perpindahan kalor.Teknik peningkatan perpindahan […]

water content in food

Water is the most abundant substance in most foods. Classification of food is divided into three groups according to their water content (high, medium and low humidity). Fruits, vegetables, juices, raw meat, fish and dairy fall into the high humidity category. Breads, hard cheeses, and sausages are examples of medium-humidity foods, while the low-moisture groups […]

pressure vessels in industry

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to accommodate a high pressure gas or liquid fluid that is substantially different from the ambient pressure. Pressure vessels have wide applications in industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, petrochemicals, distillation towers, nuclear reactors, natural gas storage systems, and hot water storage tanks. Various sizes and […]


Nowadays, along with the emergence of the issue of the energy crisis, waste accumulation, lack of water and other environmental issues related to the growth of the human population who continues to build infrastructure for homes, factories, offices and others, the concept of green building is also growing. Green building is a building that combines […]

resistances on the hull of the ship

The design of the hull of ships and boats is quite a challenging job because there are quite a number of variables that should be taken into account. One of the calculations that is quite important in hull design is resistance, because the magnitude of the resistance determines the effectiveness of the hull design that […]

material fatigue

Fatigue is a material damage caused by repeated loading for a long time. If a metal is subjected to repeated loads (stress or strain), the metal will fracture. Damage due to repeated loads is called fatigue failures, generally this occurs after the use of the material for a long time. The damage occurs without warning, […]

main processes of oil and gas production

The oil and gas industry is one of the industries that demands highly engineered and varied processes. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common processes encountered in the oil and gas production process. Wellheads The wellhead is above the actual oil or gas well leading to the reservoir. The wellhead can […]