Entries by admin

desain umum pressure vessel

Pressure vessel adalah bejana tertutup yang mampu menyimpan cairan bertekanan, baik tekanan internal maupun eksternal, terlepas dari bentuk dan dimensinya. Pressure vessel yang digunakan dalam industri adalah wadah bertekanan anti bocor biasanya berbentuk silinder atau bola dengan konfigurasi kepala yang berbeda. Desain pressure vessel harus dilakukan dengan sangat hati-hati karena beroperasi di bawah tekanan yang […]

aplikasi proses cryogenic pada pressure vessel

Kata “cryogenic” berasal dari dua kata Yunani, “cryos” yang berarti sedingin es, dan “genes” yang berarti membentuk. Istilah kriogenik pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1875 dan telah menjadi penggunaan umum sejak 1955. Suhu kriogenik biasanya dianggap di bawah ini -150oF. Aplikasi kriogenik ditemukan pada baja, ruang angkasa, pemurnian, pengelasan, kimia, kaca, semen, makanan, industri elektronik […]

analisis kegagalan pressure vessel

Pressure vessel (bejana tekan) memiliki kerja yang cukup ekstra untuk menahan beban termal ataupun non-termal. Beban-beban inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan pada pressure vessel sehingga kita sebagai engineer harus menganalisis kegagalan pada suatu peralatan. Kegagalan bejana dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat kategori utama, yang menjelaskan mengapa kegagalan bejana terjadi. Kegagalan juga dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam jenis […]

analisis tegangan pressure vessel

Analisis tegangan pada pressure vessel adalah penentuan hubungan antara gaya eksternal yang diterapkan pada vessel/ bejana dan tegangan-tegangan yang terjadi pada bejana. Analisis tegangan digunakan menentukan semua kondisi desain untuk masalah yang diberikan dan kemudian menentukan semua gaya eksternal terkait. Perancang harus kemudian menghubungkan gaya-gaya luar ini dengan bagian-bagian bejana yang harus menahannya untuk menemukan […]

mechanical properties on food

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the physical properties of food. A number of books and reviews dealing specifically with the subject have been published. Some physical properties of food such as viscosity in fluid flow, particle size in size reduction, thermal properties in heat transfer, diffusivity in mass transfer, etc. […]

types of flange

Pipes are one of the components that we often encounter in industry, especially in process industry. The use of pipes in industry is very much in number so it is necessary to have a pipe connector. One of the equipment used to connect pipes is a flange. Flange installation is the most widely used joining […]

air circulation design in indoor parking space

In the current era of rapidly growing development, the construction of large buildings such as hotels, malls, offices and industries is increasing. In the construction of these facilities, there are many things that must be considered for the comfort and the safety of the users. In this article, we will highlight the design of the […]

Boat parts

Before getting into the world of boat design or its use, it would be nice to first know the parts of the boat itself. There are some new terminology that may sound foreign in our daily life for those who are not familiar with boats. Each part of the boat has a unique name, not […]

material strength

Many materials of a structure are subjected to loads during use, such as the wings of airplanes and the shafts of automobiles. Under load conditions, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the material used so that the resulting deformation is not excessive and failure does not occur. The mechanical behavior of the material […]

Onshore and offshore facilities

In learning about oil and gas, we must often hear the terms onshore and offshore. So, what do these two terms mean? Let’s discuss! Onshore is work on land to shoreline areas for oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities. Examples of onshore work are onshore refineries and boreholes. While offshore means work that is […]