AE Solution adalah bisnis utama dari perusahaan PT. Markom Abadi Indonesia yang bergerak pada bidang teknologi, terutama digital prototyping dengan berbagai solusi terkait. AE Solution terdiri dari empat sub divisi sebagai berikut:

AE Solution is the main business of PT. Markom Abadi Indonesia company which mainly focused in the technology sector especially digital prototyping with its complementary solutions. AE Solution consisted by four sub divisions as follows:


Fokus pada jasa konsultasi, project support, dan training terutama berhubungan dengan simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) dan Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

Focusing in consulting, project support, and training services, especially for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulation.


Pengembang software custom Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) serta distributor dan reseller dari berbagai software Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) superti ANSYS dan MSC Software.

Developer of a custom Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, and the distributor of some Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software, such as ANSYS and MSC Software for instance.


Merupakan sub divisi yang bergerak khusus dalam penerbitan dan distribusi berbagai buku yang berkaitan dengan dunia simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), atau teknik secara umum.

Is a sub division which has speciality in publication and distribution of various books with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), or general engineering theme.

AE Lab

Merupakan fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh AE Solution untuk melakukan pengujian-pengujian numerik maupun eksperimental untuk kepentingan internal pengembangan bisnis maupun untuk kebutuhan jasa pengujian profesional engineering lainya atau rapid prototyping menggunakan 3D printing.

Is the facility owned by AE Solution to test some numerical or experimental testing, for internal business development or external services, such as 3D printing rapid prototyping.


One Stop Engineering Platform


Make CAE solutions the first choice in professional daily engineering applications


Delivering the best engineer-to-engineer solution using advanced Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software and professional services to lower development cost, deeper insight, reduce time to market, and empower engineers. Always innovate in technology and business competitiveness and contribute to the nation.


Office: PT. Markom Abadi Indonesia company: Pundong III Tirtoadi Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia

CEOCaesar Wiratama (

Sejarah AE Solution