Momentum Analysis of fluid flow
CFD, velocity CFD
In fluid mechanics, we are dealing with highly "squishy" material, unlike solid material which is easily modeled using relatively simple mathematical relationships. The nature of fluid flow complexity makes the "higher-order" mathematical modeling…

Perangkat lunak (software) OpenFOAM
CFD, Teori CFD
OpenFOAM merupakan perangkat lunak opensource untuk computational fluid dynamics (CFD) yang dimiliki oleh OpenFOAM foundation dan didistribusikan secara eksklusif dibawash General Public License (GPL). GPL memberikan kebebasan bagi para pengguna…

CFD, Uncategorized, velocity CFD
Using existing laws of nature, people could utilize those principles to develop engineering systems that changed the world. In fluid mechanics, one of the equations that really phenomenal because of its simplicity and tremendous usage is the…